Know the Reason


Part 13: The Warning of Grace
Text: Romans 10-11

We are only saved by faith in Jesus and that is God’s grace.  Unearned and undeserved.  Freely given.  But just because grace is free doesn’t mean there aren’t requirements once grace is received.  The Jews were chosen by God–grace.  The choosing came with the mission to “love the Lord your God”–requirement.  Grace comes with a requirement–to live a life in obedient, faithful response to that grace. Not understanding this is why so many who are initially on fire for Jesus lose the flame and grow cold.   If you’ve received God’s grace–salvation through faith in Jesus–are you living a life transformed by that grace?

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121 Gordon St. Gray, GA 31032
Sunday Mornings
9:00AM- Traditional Service
10:00AM- Sunday School
11:00AM- Modern Service
Wednesdays @6:30PM

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