Open Door Sunday School - Room 1
We offer Bible studies and discussions decided on by the class to help us grow in our faith. Target group is 60+. John Childs leads this class.
Bible Study - Room 8
This senior adult class uses a quarterly Bible study series and occasionally does a walkthrough of a book in the Bible.
David Hinely and Marguerite May lead this group.
Sunshine Class - Room 10, 2nd floor
Using study books or walking through a book of the Bible, we seek to understand the Scriptures for following Jesus. This group is for adults of any age! Teachers of this group are
Bill Boyd, Johnny Williams, Mary Lynne McInnis and
Mike Hotchkiss.
Partners In Christ - Room 11, 2nd floor
We offer different Bible studies throughout the year, with a focus on marriage. Our group is geared towards married couples. Teachers in this group will rotate based on the study being taught.
Circle of Friends - Conference Room 1
Our group Bible study topics vary throughout the year and is for adults 40+ although all ages are welcome! The group is currently going through the series The Chosen, with group discussions and questions.
Crossroads - Room 12, 2nd floor
This is an adult Bible study for ages 35+. Our group currently uses a quarterly Bible study book, but we also use a video series from time to time. Heath Mills leads this group.
Youth SS Class - Youth Room, 2nd floor
This group is for grades 7-12. Apart from spending time with students and building relationships with one another, time is spent diving into God's Word and learning how to apply it to the daily lives of each student in their own context. Gabe Davidson along with Adam and Megan Gillhouse currently lead this group.
Level Up - Room 7
This group is for 5th and 6th graders and bridges the gap between children's ministry and youth.  In the group, 6th graders are provided opportunities to become leaders to their younger peers and 5th graders are guided through their transition into middle school. The leaders aim to expand each student's understanding of the entire bible, build confidence in reading scripture, and empower them to see the relevancy of scripture. The group is lead by Jamie Sark and Tori Cauley.